Corporate Social Responsibility

We are committed to creating a more sustainable world while ensuring the safety of our employees and the community.


We are aware of our impact on the environment, and we are taking active measures to reduce it, including ISO 14001 certification. We are investing in sustainable solutions, using renewable energy sources, reducing resources consumption and minimizing waste. We are also working towards providing greener machinery with a lower environmental impact and energy consumption.

Safety is our top priority, and as an ISO 45001 certified company we have implemented strict protocols to protect our employees from any harm.

Health and Safety

We recognize our responsibility to minimize risks associated with daily activities through a comprehensive health and safety management program and robust control measures. The consistent improvement in our injury severity index and frequency index serves as evidence of our unwavering dedication to promoting health and safety.


Health & Safety training for
all our employees


Strict protocols
to minimize risks


Injuries and near misses analysis
to prevent recurrence

MFL STEM Academy

MFL STEM Academy is a further result of the collaboration between Mario Frigerio and Polo territoriale di Lecco – Politecnico di Milano.

The focus of the project is on STEM, a topic of crucial importance to our industry. We are once again working together with Polo territoriale di Lecco – Politecnico di Milano towards the shared goal of developing children’s logical thinking and problem-solving skills, leveraging their natural curiosity and creativity. Through a comprehensive five-lab course, fifth-grade students explore movement, space, shapes, water and electricity.

Mario Frigerio was born in the same area where the Frigerio family has its roots, and with MFL STEM Academy, we aim to further strengthen the bond between our company and the surrounding territory.